Thursday, October 6, 2011

Baby Girl

Baby Girl at 17 weeks 6 days! She is upside down and hiding her face! Her spine and back of her head are at the top of the photo. This is the day we found out she was a girl! Her heartbeat was at 146 bpm.
ITS A GIRL!!!! Her cute little legs and butt :)

This ultrasound was done when she was 9 weeks and 4 days old. Her head is on the left and her legs on the right. This is the best pic we have of her I think and it was the first time I saw her and heard her heartbeat, which was 165 bpm!

The beginnings of a nursery...

The idea for baby girl's nursery is a vintage, antique theme. So far, we have been able to find some amazing pieces that are going to work great in the nursery, and for great prices too!

I am in love with this sign.. we found it at an antique store and immediately fell in love with it, especially the colors and the bunny, and the wording- too perfect! And to make it more perfect, it was only $5!

 We loved these mirrors and thought they would look great in the room, and also found this shadowbox which we are planning to fill with little keepsakes, a few photos of her once she is born, and a pair of little baby booties. These were all from the antique store as well!

 And our final (so far) antique store purchase was for these two beautiful paintings by Arthur J Elsley. I'm loving the dogs and little girls in these paintings.

This is the type of fabric that we are wanting to have for her crib bedding. Love the pattern, the simplicity, and the old-fashioned-ish-ness of this!

The Travel System

Tara is very interested in this new big thing we brought to the house. At first she was a little scared of this big thing with wheels inside the house, but she's warmed up to it and wants to follow it around whenever it moves now. I personally think she is very excited to be getting a baby girl too ;) She was being so just ridiculously adorable when I was taking pictures of the travel system, that it was actually quite necessary to take some pictures of her first.

And then I had to post these pictures because, well, she is just the cutest thing ever and I adore her. She loves to do "paw" now... such a smart girl! :)

The travel system! I love the colors- pink, brown, green, and blue.. so cute!
Can't wait to see a little baby girl sitting in this! :)

All covered up... love that there is a transparent plastic panel on the top by where you push the stroller that you can see through to keep an eye on baby.

The stroller part, without the infant seat

The very, very cute infant seat :)

Tara loves it :)

We got the whole Graco travel system (including the car seat base for the seat to clip into in the car...I didn't get a pic of that though) for $80... we bought it used, but it is only eight months old, doesn't expire until 2016, and is in perfect condition. And the style is pretty adorable. Ahh, I can't wait til she's born! Only 146 days until her due date...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I love being an auntie (to-be)

Auntie Staci here, posting about all of the lovely baby essentials and just fun stuff that baby girl has accumulated in just the past few days (yes, days). 
And the very best part? garage sales. I seriously adore garage sales even more than ever before. Plus, do you know how many of the garage sales around post have baby stuff? Try like every. single. one. I love this. And I love good deals, cheap prices, and awesome stuff. I'm pretty sure I am having way too much fun helping to prepare for my niece's arrival... :)

Baby Rocker... found at a garage sale for $4.

Diaper Changing Pad (okay, maybe not the most exciting thing, but essential, yes?)... grand total of $1.

 Lots of little toys, most of these were 25 cents each and the occasional few were 50 cents or a dollar for a set. So awesome! Tara was very interested in checking them all out too.

 Cart cover, came in a bundle for an awesome deal!

 The ergo and the baby bjorn... we had bought the ergo a while back at a thrift store when we saw it for only $20 and just couldn't pass it up. Then we were offered the baby bjorn in a bundle with the cart cover (above) and the infant seat cover (below) for a total for $15 for all three... amazing. Oh and I am so beyond excited to get to carry baby girl in these!! I may or may not try them on for fun to just imagine when she is finally born and able to go in them... :)

 Infant seat cover for when it's cold outside... since baby girl's due date is March 1st (March is such a great month to be born :) ...we thought this would be very useful. Plus, it was the final item of the $15 bundle, pretty sweet!

 Ok, so this wasn't from a garage sale, but seriously, how could I walk away and not buy this once I saw it on sale at Walmart? The entire set is beyond adorable, as you can see in the pics :)

The adorable girl outfits we bought while garage sailing... some of these were 5 for $1.00, others 25 cents, and some up to 50 cents or $1... such good deals and everything is so super cute and in perfect condition.

 More to follow :)