Monday, June 18, 2012

Need to start blogging about miss Charlotte Jane

I haven't posted on here in quite a while, I hope I can change that as I would love to just put quick little notes and pictures of Charlotte as she grows and changes everyday. It will be great to have this to look back on and great for our family and friends to "see" her who are far away.
Charlotte is 15 weeks and 2 days old today. She is quite the little chub chub :) Eating is her favorite pastime. She is very sweet and loves to smile alot. We were in a gift store the other day and a few strangers walked up and said hi to her and she gave them the biggest excited smiles, (which I think probably made their day). She "talks" now and her little baby noises are the cutest, I have tried to get them on video, but she goes silent in front of the camera, and just stares the camera down. She is most talkative when she first wakes up, a few nights ago she woke us up by her talking to herself, so adorable! She likes to talk also when she is getting her diaper changed. Tummy time is still a time that is hated so she has not rolled over yet. She will endure it for a few minutes, then its screaming with her legs and arms stretched out, she doesn't like being set down. She is very much a people person and enjoys being in someone's arms constantly and getting to see whats going on. She is very curious. She loves to look at lights. Going to new places lights are one of the first things she notices and they hold her attention for a while. She has no stranger wariness yet, we went out for some thai food and the owner of the restaurant was so enthralled with her he asked to hold her while we ate, we let him and she was just super interested in everything. He walked her around the store and she just took it all in. Although she doesn't seem to mind strangers yet and loves to give them smiles and be super charming with them, she does notice if you walk away from her. She loves to swing in her swing but if you walk away from it, she will start crying, she wants you there! Staci was dropping me off at a doctors appointment and I was sitting in the back by Charlotte, when I got out she gave a few cries and then calmed down once she realized Staci was still with her. She doesn't want to be left. Her biggest news for this week is she has started to sit up! When she is in my lap and laying her back against me, she actually pulls herself forward! I have to make sure to keep my hand on her tummy or I am afraid she would face plant down. She has realized she has hands and feet and they are super interesting! She loves watching them move and putting her hands in her mouth. She rejects pacis recently but wants her hands in her mouth almost constantly, so there is lots of drool all over the tops of her shirts now, some become soaked within minutes of putting them on! I have lots of pictures to add, hope to get around to that one of these days!

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